LPX Scripts

A Guide To The Logic Pro Scripter Plugin

LPX Scripts is an open source endeavor to complement the Logic Pro Scripter Plugin. LPXscripts not only serves as a library of scripts that can be used on the plugin, but also aims to guide Logic Pro users to create their own scripts.

How to use the Library

The only prerequisite to using the LPX Scripts plugins is plainly that the user must have access to the Logic Pro software. Since LPX must be purchased for use, the scripts can only work with access to the software. With that said, there is no need to understand how the plugins work to use it, meaning that the user does not need to understand the code to use the software. Once the user finds a file they would like to use, the steps are pretty simple to going about having them read by Logic Pro. The following is the step-by-step process of using the plugins:

Step 1: Locate MIDI FX

Open Logic Pro X application on your computer and navigate to the inspector or mixer for the track after having selected a software instrument/MIDI instrument, where you will find the MIDI FX option.

Under the MIDI FX option, locate and click on the "scripter" option.

Step 2: Open the Scripter settings

The page that just appeared will be the page where you can make use of the plugin with the different options the plugin may offer. First we need to input the plugin though, so click on the "Open Script in Editor" button to continue.

Step 3: Use the Script Editor

A new page will appear with some text already filling the page, this is the Script editor. To input the plugin, copy and paste the code from the plugin file in the repository into the script editor by replacing the code already in the file.

Once it is placed in the script editor properly, click the button in the top right called "Run Script".

Step 4: Copy and Paste the Code

Upon running the plugin, you will be brought back to the Scripter which will show you the customizable options of the specific plugin. Follow the steps to use that specific plugin and you should be all set!


The following is a list of plugins currently available in the library. All files can be found in the /Library folder of the repository.

arpeggiator.js Allows users to create a sequence that keeps repeating. Example use case: to test out melodies.
chords.js Triggers chords derived from played note
repeater.js Repeats note that is played with specified beat divisions
plugin.js Copy and paste this chunk of code into your script editor to create controls in your plugin
sequencer.js Constructs a sequence of notes triggered relative to the base note

Reference Guide

Global attributes and functions
NeedsTimingInfo:boolean Defining NeedsTimingInfo as true at the global scope enables the GetTimingInfo() function
ResetParameterDefaults:boolean Sets UI controls to default values
HandleMIDI(Event) This function is called each time a MIDI event is received by the plug-in, and is required to process incoming MIDI events. If you do not implement this function, events pass through the plug-in unaffected.
ProcessMIDI() This function is called once per “process block,” which is determined by the host’s audio settings (sample rate and buffer size). This function is often used in combination with the TimingInfo object to make use of timing information from the host application. To enable the GetTimingInfo feature, add NeedsTimingInfo = true at the global script level.
ParameterChanged(integer, real) This function is called each time one of the plug-in’s parameters is set to a new value. It is also called once for each parameter when you load a plug-in setting.
Reset() This function is called when the plugin is reset. Can be overriden.
Trace(value) Prints a message to the console that represents the supplied value of any type. Similar to console.log(value) in regular javascript
GetTimingInfo():TimingInfo Retrieves a TimingInfo object, which contains timing information that describes the state of the host transport and the current musical tempo and meter.
GetParameter(string):real Returns a given parameter’s current value. GetParameter() is typically called inside the HandleMIDI() or ProcessMIDI() functions.

Event – Base class for all events. Call functions using dot notation.
send() Send the event
sendAfterMilliseconds(ms:real) Send the event after the specified value has elapsed
sendAtBeat(beat:real) Send the event at a specific beat in the host’s timeline
sendAfterBeats(beats:real) Similar to sendAtBeat(), but uses the beat value as a delay in beats from the current position.
trace() Prints the event to the plug-in console
toString() Returns a string representation of the event
channel(integer) Sets MIDI channel 1 to 16. Note: Event.channel is an event property, rather than a method, so it may be used in expressions such as (evt.channel == 1) where evt is an instance of Event)

Note Events
Note() Constructor
toString() Returns a String representation of the Note event.

NoteOn Events
NoteOn(Event) Constructor
pitch(integer) Pitch from 1–127
velocity(integer) Velocity from 0–127. A velocity value of 0 is interpreted as a note off event, not a note on.

NoteOff Events
NoteOff(Event) Constructor
pitch(integer) Pitch from 1–127
velocity(integer) Velocity from 0–127

PolyPressure – Represents a Polyphonic aftertouch event
PolyPressure(Event) Constructor
pitch(integer) Pitch from 1–127
value(integer) Pressure value from 0–127
toString() Returns a String representation of the PolyPressure event.

ControlChange – Represents a ControlChange event
ControlChange(Event) Constructor
number(integer) Controller number from 0–127.
value(integer) Controller value from 0–127.
toString() Returns a String representation of the ControlChange event.

ProgramChange – Represents a ProgramChange event
ProgramChange(Event) Constructor
number(integer) Program change number from 0–127
toString() Returns a String representation of the ProgramChange event.

ChannelPressure – Represents a ChannelPressure event
ChannelPressure(Event) Constructor
value(integer) Aftertouch value from 0–127
toString() Returns a String representation of the ChannelPressure event.

PitchBend – Represents a PitchBend event
PitchBend(Event) Constructor
value(integer) 14-bit pitch bend value from -8192–8191. A value of 0 is center.
toString() Returns a String representation of the PitchBend event.

Fader – Represents a Fader event
Fader(Event) Constructor
value(integer) Fader value from 0–127
toString() Returns a String representation of the Fader event.

TimingInfo – Contains timing information that describes the state of the host transport and the current musical tempo and meter
playing:boolean Value is true when the host transport is running
blockStartBeat:real Indicates the beat position at the start of the process block
blockEndBeat:real Indicates the beat position at the end of the process block
blockLength:real Indicates the length of the process block in beats.
tempo:real Indicates the host tempo.
meterNumerator:integer Indicates the host meter numerator
meterDemoninator:integer Indicates the host meter denominator.
cycling:boolean Value is true when the host transport is cycling
leftCycleBeat:real Indicates the beat position at the start of the cycle range
rightCycleBeat:real Indicates the beat position at the end of the cycle range

MIDI – Contains class-level variables and functions (you don’t instantiate MIDI).
_noteNames:string[] Contains names such as C and G# for all 128 MIDI notes
_ccNames:string[] Contains names such as Expression and Sustain for all 128 MIDI controller numbers
noteNumber(string) Returns the MIDI note number for a given note name. For example: C3 or B#2. Flats not permitted.
noteName(real) Returns the name for a given MIDI note number.
ccName(real) Returns the controller name for a given controller number
allNotesOff() Sends the all notes off message on all MIDI channels
normalizeStatus(real) Normalizes a value to the safe range of MIDI status bytes (128–239)
normalizeChannel(real) Normalizes a value to the safe range of MIDI channels (1–16)
normalizeData(real) Normalizes a value to the safe range of MIDI data bytes (0–127)
_sendEventOnAllChannels(Event) Sends a given event to all MIDI channels


Logic Pro X Scripter Manual from Apple